1 . 嫌恶者
abhorrent to reason 反理性的abhorrer嫌恶者abient behavior 回避行为
2 . 憎恶者
abhorrent 可恶的abhorrer憎恶者abidance 遵守
3 . 厌恶者
stirrer 搅拌者,煽动者abhorrer憎恨者,厌恶者chnorrer 笨蛋,乞丐
4 . 憎恨者
stirrer 搅拌者,煽动者abhorrer憎恨者,厌恶者chnorrer 笨蛋,乞丐
1 . 不一致问题
however public reason anticipates , make optimization intent of the government cannot come true finally , make its effects the smallest , produce dynamic abhorrent problem namely .然而公众的理性预期,使政府的最优化意图最终无法实现,并使其收效最小,即产生动态不一致问题。
1 . 不一致的情况
in deposit and investment main body abhorrent circumstance falls , still to be inserted into between deposit and investment one directs deposit the intermediary link of investment .在储蓄和投资主体不一致的情况下,还需要在储蓄与投资之间插进一个将储蓄导向投资的中介环节。
1 . 可恶的字母
when we were trying with tremendous effort to delve into those abhorrent letters and phonemes a few of them babbled English with the teacher .我们正在费尽九牛二虎之力啃那些可恶的字母和音素,班上却大有其人,在课堂上唧哩呱啦地和老师用英语对起话来了。
1 . 是可恶
The circulation of gossip is abhorrent ., 传播流言蜚语是可恶的.