1 . 汽车驾驶
automobile 汽车automobilism汽车驾驶automobilist 使用汽车的人
2 . 开汽车
...automobile 汽车;开汽车;自动的;汽车的automobilism开汽车automobilist 汽车司机
3 . 汽车运行
汽车运输中心 trucking center汽车运行 automobilism汽车载运活动范围 trucking activities
1 . 汽车及零部件
Chaowei has provided almost one thousand sets of-standardized special tooling , test devices and auto product lines for many manufacturers of automobile and automobile parts .超维公司已为汽车及零部件生产厂家提供了近千台套非标准专用工装试验设备以及自动化生产线。
1 . 汽车及汽车零配件
engaged in such work as the automobile and automobile accessories selling or after-sale service , etc . ;从事汽车及汽车零配件销售或售后服务等工作;
1 . 汽车及汽车
engaged in such work as the automobile and automobile accessories selling or after-sale service , etc . ;从事汽车及汽车零配件销售或售后服务等工作;
1 . 汽车及
automotive Technical Consulting 0 automobile dealership management information technology , auto maintenance & repair skills , automotive intellectual property ( Patents / Trade Marks / Copy Rights ) , automobiles / parts design and manufacturing tech