1 . 加热
3. 例:含碳量C0.77%的合金钢,盐浴升温加热珠光体转化为奥氏体的理论临界... 4. c、r分别为单词calefaction(加热)、refrigeration(冷却)的简写。 5. 如下.
2 . 暖
Caledonides 加里东造山带calefaction暖calefactor 发暖器
3 . 温暖
26个字母开头的单词短语(起码15个)句子(15)... ... Beneficence 仁慈 Calefaction 温暖 Damage 伤害.
4 . 热污染
calculation 计算calefaction热污染calendar 历
1 . 常用加热
the kinds of common calefaction bath and the properties of liquid media used in calefaction ., 常用加热浴种类和加热用液体介质的性质.
1 . 升温阶段
in calefactive phase , the electro thermal model of hot bridge wire was established , the calefactive time of invariable current fire case and capacitance discharge case were both studied .在升温阶段建立桥丝电热升温模型,分别求解恒定电流点火升温时间和电容放电点火升温时间。
1 . 升温特性
the thermal diffusivity and the calefactive characteristic of Lianrong bread by steam heating were studied via establishing math model .本实验通过建立数学模型对传统莲蓉包蒸汽加热过程的热扩散与升温特性进行研究。
1 . 联合热
日志浏览 calefaction 键合热,联合热bond accumulation 联结基