1 . 书法家
calligraphic 书法的calligraphist书法家calligraphy 书法
2 . 缮校员
公务词汇(A-E) ... call duty 候命职务 Calligraphist 缮校员 Calligraphist (CAC) 缮校员(廉政公署).
3 . 擅长书法者
[讯息] Paradox“戦国”(Sengoku)前瞻 ... ruthless 冷酷无情 / bushi 仁义有礼 brilliant strategist 战略的天才 calligraphist擅长书法者.
4 . 书法学家
telegraphist 报务员,电信兵calligraphist书法学家epigraphist 碑文研究者
1 . 一位书法家
emperor Taizong in Tang dynasty was not only an outstanding politician , militarist , but also a calligraphist , poet . he had great capability in culture and art .唐太宗不但是一位杰出的政治家,军事家,而且是一位书法家、诗人,具有很高的文化艺术修养。
1 . 当代书法家
also points out , to acquire the essence of calligraphy , calligraphists should spurn the utilitarianism , emphasize the inner self-experience .指出当代书法家必须摒弃创作功利意识,着重自我内在体验的感悟,才能获取书法艺术真谛。
2 . 书法家的
since Qing Dynasty , numerous copy books of Chinese calligraphists flew into Japan , making the Japanese calligraphic circle presented a splendor appearance .明清以来,中国众多书法家的法帖流入日本,使得日本书法界异彩纷呈。