1 . The government is cynically running down Swe-den's welfare system.
2 . As one former customer said cynically, "He's probably pocketed the difference!"
3 . He accused the mainstream political parties of cynically exploiting this situation.
4 . I firmly believe our strategy is being deliberately, cynically manipulated.
5 . They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling.
1 . 爱嘲笑地
Some women who answered the questions were found to be cynically(爱嘲笑地) hostile (怀敌意的), or highly untrusting of others. These women were.
2 . 冷笑
so i cynically, cynicallysay , the world is that way ., 所以我冷笑着说 , 世界是如此.
3 . 冷笑式地
4 . 肆无忌弹
South sunshine here cynically, no barrier ., 南方的阳光在这里肆无忌弹 , 毫无遮拦.
1 . 刻薄话
he had sharp , if brilliant , tongue in his head-a gift at times for making crisp and cynical remarks .他嘴里长了个很锋利的舌头,虽然还说不上雄辩,这是他的一种天赋,有时候能说些切中要害的刻薄话。
2 . 挖苦话
Yahoo!字典网页搜寻 ... He's cynical about her motives. 他怀疑她的动机。 She's cynical about recovering her lost watch. 她不相信能找回丢失的手表。 cynical remarks 挖苦话.
1 . 敌意的
some women who answered the questions were found to cynically hostile , or highly untrusting of others .有些回答了问题的妇女是那种对人有敌意的嘲笑或极为不信任他人。
1 . 年轻尖刻
求翻译:i'll need to get some pariculars first 是什么意思? ... what date was the entry clearance or visa valid from » 什么日期是入境许可或签证有效期由 young cynic » 年轻尖刻i want four apples » 我想要四个苹果.
2 . 年轻的愤世嫉俗者
...). In addition, FA » 目标1,直接关系到饥饿,这是粮农组织全球关注的首要问题。此外,在符合其任务和专业知识,组织也使得环境(G7)一个重大的贡献,并指示实现性别平等(G3)和全球伙伴关系(八国集团)的资源。此外,粮农组织减少饥饿和营养不良的 young cynic » 年轻的愤世嫉俗者12) ei.
1 . 肉不笑
He smiled a cynical smile ., 他皮笑肉不笑.