1 . 开花植物
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2 . 灯笼裤
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3 . 描花工
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1 . 花间
butterflies hover from flower to flower .蝴蝶在花间飞翔。
1 . 似花朵
it linked the company's name with the bright , clean future which , the flower / sun logo implied , was to be found on the far side of fossil fuels .该口号将公司名字和其光明清洁的未来联系在了一起,而这美好未来,正如那个似花朵又似太阳的公司标志所蕴涵的那样,将通过远离化石燃料而实现。
1 . 开花的话
Lithops usually must be three to five years old before they begin flowering : they have been grown as seedlings for two years or more in the nursery .如果你的生石花还没有开花的话可能是因为它还没有完全长大。
1 . 朵花开
When the first flower flowers show , give the plants some potash potash fertilizer ., 当第一朵花开的时候 , 给植物施一些钾肥.