1 . 荧光剂
2 . 荧光增白剂
fluorescent 有荧光性的fluorescer荧光增白剂fluorescope 荧光镜
3 . 萤光增白剂
萤光增白剂 fluorescent whitening agent萤光增白剂 fluorescer萤光计 fluorimeter
4 . 萤光剂
预防禽流感病毒,请确实遵守「五要十不原则 ... ‧磷酸盐 pnosphates ‧萤光剂 fluorescer‧四氯乙烯perchloroethylene、tetrachloroethylene.
1 . 荧光显微镜
...散光的干扰。观察时通过激光器或载物台扫描,计算机处理,最终获得反差鲜明、高分辨率的三维立体数字图像。18 荧光显微镜(fluorescence microscope) 这种显微镜用紫外线或蓝紫光照射经过荧光染料染色的样品,然后观察激发出的荧光所形成的物像。19 数值孔径(numerical aperture) 决定显微镜物镜分辨率性能物理指标,取决于物镜.
1 . 荧光及
identification study of four species of Mongolian herbal medicine by UV / fluorescence / IR spectroscopy was carried out .文章用紫外、荧光及红外三种光谱法对四种蒙药材进行了鉴别研究。
1 . 荧光屏
fluorescent radiation 荧光放射,荧光辐射fluorescent screen 荧光板,荧光屏fluorescent staining 荧光染色法
1 . 荧光染色方法
morphological changes of the apoptosis in cancer cells were observed by HE staining through invert microscope light microscope , AO / EB double fluorescent staining under fluorescent microscope .通过倒置显微镜、HE染色、吖碇橙(AO)/溴化乙啶(EB)荧光染色方法观察肿瘤细胞的形态学改变;