1 . Jane's goals helped Britain win third place in the Barcelona games.
2 . Only the achievement of these goals will bring lasting peace.
3 . There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals .
4 . We may reexamine our goals or our methods for attaining our goals .
5 . In the final they accounted for Brentford by three goals to two.
2. 射中次数
1 . 进球
El Nino has bagged 50 goalsin 83 appearances since joining from Atletico Madrid., 在从马德里竞技加盟以来 , 托雷斯已经在 83 场比赛中打进了 50 个进球.
2 . 入球
Tottenham normally score a lot of goalsbut we played very well defensively ., 托特纳姆一般都会取得很多的入球 , 但我们今天的防守非常不错.
3 . 进球数
4 . 粒进球
With his two goalshe gave a great joy to everybody there ., 他的两粒进球把欢乐带给了每一位尤文蒂尼.
1 . 偏离球门
Manchester United in the first half of the contest in the best advantage , Zhongwei Ferdinand ( ferdinand ) in the start after seven minutes on the opportunity to get goals , but goal from the goal .曼联在上半场的较量中占尽优势,中卫费迪南德(ferdinand)在开赛后7分钟就获得进球良机,可惜临门一脚偏离球
1 . 目标过程
these two men are laying down their lives in mankind's most noble goal : the search for truth and understanding .他们两人为追寻人类最高贵的探求真理的目标过程中倒下。
1 . 目标–
goals – relatively few in number ; general statements related to the purpose of the organization . serve as statements of intended future for organization .目标–相对数量较少;是对机构目的和未来发展的一般陈述。
1 . 目标所
section I covers the exact steps to follow to realize your goals : adding muscle mass a minimum of body fat .第一部分包含了为实现你“以最小体脂增量为代价的增大肌肉块”目标所需要遵循的确切阶段。