1 . 极妙
极妙(immenseness), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
1 . 巨大的潜力
we also believe that what we have achieved is only part of the iceberg , and we still have immense potential to dig out below the sea and a lot to expand in the future .我们还相信,我们所取得的成绩只是冰山的一角,在海平面下我们仍然有巨大的潜力可以挖掘,在未来有更多的空间可以拓展。
1 . 巨大的力量
She drew immense strength and wisdom from the masses ., 她从群众中吸取了巨大的力量和智慧.
2 . 巨大力量
the public exclaims scientific immense strength on one hand the deviation appeared at the same time .公众一方面惊叹着科学的巨大力量,一方面对于科学的本质与社会影响等等的认识出现了偏差与误解。
1 . 巨大的压力
we find ourselves dozing and eventually unable to work properly due to the fatigue and stress and the immense pressure of feeling .由于长期工作积累下的疲劳、紧张和巨大的压力,我们发现自己开始打盹甚至无法全身心地投入工作。
1 . 在巨大
the towers are built on immense underwater platforms made of steel and concrete ., 塔身建在巨大的水下钢筋混凝土平台上.