2.very large carnivorous sea turtle; wide ranging in warm open seas
1 . 铁球棒
铁球棒(loggerhead), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
2 . 格赫德
3 . 战斗信息强化
浙江游戏论坛-浙江地区游戏门户站 - ... ItemPriceTooltip 售价 LoggerHead 战斗信息强化 NotSimpleCombatLog 战斗信息类似以前简化战斗信息.
4 . 捕鲸船船尾圆柱
loggerhead咬龟, loggerhead捕鲸船船尾圆柱, loggerhead大海龟
1 . 某些事顶牛儿
The two of them are always at loggerheads ., 他们俩经常为某些事顶牛儿.
1 . 争执起来
Sam and his parents were at loggerheads over the question of car privileges ., 山姆和他的父母为汽车使用问题而争执起来.
1 . 蠵龟
as a threatened species , loggerhead turtles are in decline due to incidental capture in fishing gear , among other reasons .被列为受威胁物种,蠵龟在下降由于偶然捕获的渔具,其中有其他原因。
1 . 总是吵
The two hospital workers were always loggerheads ., 这两个医院女工总是吵.